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I pursued the WSET Level 1 Award in Sake because sake has always been of interest to me having grown up surrounded by Japanese culture. My mother teaches Ikebana through The Ikenobo School as well as the Japanese tea ceremony. As my interest with wine and beverage alcohol grew, I wanted to learn more about sake, specifically more about the brewing process and the effect it had on creating different tastes and aromas in the finished sake.

The course helped me with broadening my knowledge of beverage alcohol to round out my ability to pair food with drinks in such away that creates a gestalt like experience where the sum is greater than the individual components alone, and thus enhancing the dining experience. This is always my intention personally and professionally as I continue my journey as a sommelier.

Study advice:

My advice for the next generation of students is always to focus on the process rather than the goal or end result. It’s the process that not only builds character in the beverage, but also in ourselves .