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I pursued WSET Level 2 Award in Wines to deepen my understanding of wines from around the world. My primary goal was to gain comprehensive knowledge of the principal wines and spirits regions, their production methods, and styles. I also wanted to improve my wine tasting skills and be able to critically evaluate wines using a standardized system. My objective was to feel more confident in discussing wines, making informed choices, and pairing the best wine with food.

On a personal level, the knowledge has enriched my appreciation for wines and has made social and dining experiences more enjoyable. I can now make informed choices when purchasing wines and can discuss them more confidently with friends and family. If I were to pursue a career in hospitality, sales, or wine industry, this course would undoubtedly enhance my credibility and ability to cater to customers’ needs better, recommend wines, or even pursue further roles such as a sommelier.

Study advice:

Take notes diligently, especially during tasting sessions. The hands-on experience of tasting and evaluating wines will be invaluable for the exam and in practical scenarios. Engage with your peers; learning from others, sharing experiences, and discussing wines can provide insights that you might not get on your own. Don’t rush the learning process; it’s not just about passing the exam but truly understanding and appreciating the world of wine, its history and the cultural subtext. Stay curious; the world of wine is vast, ever-evolving and always offers something new to discover.